Technology is the future of learning.
With new technology advancing so quickly the traditional literacy compass is outdated because of how connectivity can now be applied in such a vast Communication Flow. There are no longer just one sender and one receiver and students are aware of these changes. As a teacher, I need to update my connectivity back to properly help students understand how new literacy can be used in the communication flow.
Technology just may be the way to our young listeners.
The New literacy encompass the use of technology. It still require the tranfer of information and the use of literacy. Without listening,speaking, writing and reading no information can be passed along. However new technology all sender to send to multiple recievers quickly but it still ramains that basic literacy is required for comprehension of information.
Technology brings a bevy of new opportunities as well as new challenges to literacy and learning. It definitely provides opportunity for more breadth and depth of learning and access to multiple views at your fingertips. However, it also requires users of technology for learning to develop and improve their critical thinking skills to determine if the source of the information is reliable and accurate.
The multiple senders and multiple receivers for information literacy is an important distinction. Rather than have students consider patient teaching for just a single patient, perhaps they could consider how they would share an annotated set of resources for patient teaching (and address not only patient questions but questions from family), how would they keep their own nursing information current, what do students thing are the best means for making sure patients know information prior to leaving the hospital (or office, or other care setting), how would they handle if a patient came in and had already done some preliminary research, how would they help patients feel comfortable enough to ask questions about CAM and other different modalities of care. While this isn't necessarily within library science as a field, it is within information literacy, and librarians work at staying information literate--also, knowledge is becoming more interdisciplinary, and taking advantage of that interdisciplinary flow helps keep short-sightedness and inefficiency at bay.