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Sometimes during active learning some students are still not motivated to learn. I would break them up in groups and let them all participate competiting against each other for a few extra points towards their lowest exam grades which they find very fun and educated at the same time.

Very true.

Sometimes, as instructors, we have to add extra incentive to already-active learning models. I find some of my students are somewhat resistant to this model, until they discover the worth of the lesson behind the exercise.

I agree. It can be difficult to motivate students, so it can be productive to put them in groups. It can be a fun experience crating a competition game.

Hi Don,
I love competition learning. Some students will try their hardest to be regarded as the winner!

Patricia Scales

When I do active learning activities I also try to turn it into a competition at times. This provides incentive for some of those students who may not ordinarily participate. I also vary the activities and try to introduce activities that may draw out those students who are not comfortable in large groups. One activity I do involves students getting out of the classroom and going around the campus to complete questions or other role playing activities.

Hi Shannon,
Competition is this sense is a good thing. It will motivate others to try even harder. Competition can make the best even better.

Patricia Scales

I have found that to be a very effective way to get the students to participate. Small groups, make learning a game, and challenge everyone to get involved;

I have used that technique as well to review for finals in academic classes using a jeopardy style of game with 2 teams in a relay. students get very involved.

Hi Denise,
Awesome! I also give a 5% participation grade for the grading period to encourage participation. Students know at any point they can receive a "0" for the day for not participating. This system works well.

Patricia Scales

Hi Herve,
When learning is made fun students love it, and they retain the information.

Patricia Scales

When learning is made fun students love it, and they retain the information. I live by this way of thinking!

Hi Brian,
I do too! This thinking makes me look forward to going to class every day, and I have had students to tell me they feel the same way as I do because it is fun!

Patricia Scales

I have also used a jeopardy style of game to get my students actively involved in there learning. I will use table teams and points. Tables get points for correct answers to questions, and the table with the most points win.

Hi Billy,
Jeopardy is a super game to promote learning. Students enjoy having fun while learning.

Patricia Scales

I teach culiarny arts and feel that students who have fun, who are truly motivated and want to be there have the best learning experience. I have the students compete with their peers as well to motivate them to use their creativity and techniques equally. I will grade them but often will also bring in outside classes to "judge" as well which may not be fitting in every environment but in the culinary world it works. This allows everyone to participate and allows me to roam and answer questions and give any guidance individually that may be needed.

Hi AL,
I like how you get your students involved. Competetion can be a good thing. No one likes being on the losing end, and most students will give their all and all to be considered as one of the best. I really like how you get outsiders to be the judge because this is more real world for this type of business.

Patricia Scales

active learning has been in my classroom for years, it has been a very good way of getting students involed and enjoy beening in school.
plus the activitys are real world so the are learning a real hands on tasks

Hi Joseph,
I agree! Active learning is very old school. Just remember back to when we started kindergarten, kindergarten was filled with active and fun learning. As we progress to higher grades active and fun learning really decreased. Let's still make learning active and fun even at the adult level.

Patricia Scales

I could not agree more. When I am having fun teaching it become contagious.

Hi Melissa,
Everyone loves having fun! Let's make learning fun!

Patricia Scales

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