Instructing a group with mixed learning styles
I teach a mixed group of students. I start off with a general information session and then attend to them throughout the day for more one on one because I'm not certain they are comprehending the morning lesson. I'm not sure of the best approach.
Hi Jennifer,
You are on the right track. From your comments I see you giving the general introduction to the class and the requirements and then following up with individual consultation with each student to see if they understand what you have shared with them. In that first day if you mix in some "ice breakers" so they can get comfortable with each other and you. This approach will also help you with developing rapport with your students which as you know is critical for student retention.
Perhaps one effective approach could be to organize the class into groups so that they can discuss the morning lesson. This environment may be less threatening for some students, so that they can ask questions of their peers in a less intimiadating setting.
Do to the diffirent ethnic students some of the students are very shy and do not participate well with others not of their same origin. Unfortunately we do not have enough of the diffirent ethnic groups to group them off together is there another way to get them to get involved in the group activities?
Hi Todd,
I use class groups to work on projects and case studies. I work very hard to mix and match the groups to ensure that everyone pulls their own weight. In using groups the most common complaint is that someone is not doing all that they should do, so by making the right group composition and assigning the right cases I get the best out of my students.
Hi Carol,
I try to pair up my students with others that will help them to contribute to the class and to complete their assigned work. I have found this approach to be very effective, as the pairs strive to complete their work in short order and feel a great sense of pride when they do.
I have found that I need to explore each students learning habits and motivate them in that direction.
Hi Kimberly,
I hope you enjoy this part of teaching. I know I do. It is somewhat like being a detective in trying to find what each student's learning preferences are and then how to appeal to them.
That is just one of the things that I do. I tutor before class, I stay late, I use personnel expieriences, and I make sure to make learning fun.
At the end of our six week course we have presentations with groups of four students.
We try to mix them up to work with student they do not normally study with to help develop team work with "strangers".
Hi Thomas,
You are offering a variety of opportunities for your students to become engaged in the learning process. I am sure that you and they benefit greatly from all your efforts. Keep up the good work.
Getting to know my students learning style and background experiences provide a great resource of information for working with mixed groups. This is high on my list of first thing to do in the first class meeting. This is something I let each individual speak about as I take good notes.
Hi Charles,
Good plan for setting up a new class for success. Both you and your students will be on the same page when it comes to the class as a result of your efforts and ability to listen to them.