Model, Manage & Motivate
Instruction is like Sesame Street. If you explain on the onset of each class what is going to be covered ( objectives), the time frames involved, and how they are going to be graded, you will have a win - win situation. Be consistent but not boring in what you do.
Enlist student group discussion. Elect a project manager. State many opinions are going to come into play and you do not have to agree but respect thats person thought.
Put a motivational quote on the bored each day. They look forward to it.
Be organized, consistent and clear.
Challenge a student who thinks an answer on a test is incorrect. Suggest that they research why they feel you made an error. If they prove it correct, give all students back the points. They love it, and they will approach it in a mature way.
And always leads by example. I always do and have a great deal of respect from my students. I do not get to personal. I know about their families, but not in great detail. I handled adult issues one on one. One person's drama does not have to be an entire classes burden.
I have showed them how their goals are achieved by bring current students back to discuss their externships. Additionally, if a student is hired, pass a certification test, we as a class call them to congradulate them as a group!!!
Hi Faith,
Well said. What are some examples of the motivational quotes that you use with your students?
**some people dream of worthy achievements, while others stay awake and experience it!!##
** You can tell you are on the right road, it's uphill!!***
**He / She who is waiting for something to turn up might start w/ his / her own shirtsleeves!!!****
**Do something. Either lead, follow, or get out of the way!!!!***
**Cooperation is spelled with 2 letters: WE!!!
One should purchase a book, look on the internet for sites for daily quotes. Also, The chain letters that people have sent to you have great thoughts in them.
My class looks for one everyday, and thinks how it affects their lives and themselves.
Hi Faith,
Thanks much! You shared so good ones. I always enjoy reading and hearing motivational statements.
Thank you for your input...Great ideas!!!
I agree that when the expectations are clear, the teaching is logical and grading is fair, students are satisfied.
The model discribed a well motivated lesson. The model is able to activate the all group of students to received the message of the lesson
Hi Deborah,
Thank you for the kind words about instructional sharing. Through the exchange of information instruction can be more effective and efficient for students. Keep sharing your ideas with others.
Hi Viorel,
That is the key to good instruction being able to reach out to all students and meet their learning needs.
What are some of the strategies that you use to make sure you are meeting the learning needs of your students?
Hi, I think you have made a lot of good suggestions. Students do better in class when they know what is expected of them I think that they do need some challenge. Ome students wants everhthing handed to them but you do have some that wants and needs the challenge. You have made so good points. Shirley Cross
Hi Shirley,
As you mentioned clear and realistic expectations go a long way in helping students to get settled down in a course and be ready to work.
I Love starting my classes with a Quote. The students after the first week will bring in some of their own to long as the quotes are motivating.
Hi Denise,
I like that approach as well. Another you might want to do occasionally is have your student bring in different ways days and months are identified. For example April, is talk like a pirate month. It means nothing really to the class but it gets the students looking for fun things to bring to class and gives thems a few minutes at the beginning of class to visit, laugh and get settled.
One quote I have heard that I truly enjoy in teaching is:
"It doesn't matter how fast you learn, it is how MUCH you learn"
I feel it is a great quote because in our busy lives right now, we are constantly trying to more than we can handle. If we just take a moment and slow down and enjoy where we are, you will learn so much more. I try and remind my students to focus on the class and gather as much education as they can!
Hi Sara,
Great quote! Thanks for sharing it with us. The slow down part is good to since whether we be teachers or students we sometimes always find ourselves in the passing lane rather than the slow lane of life.