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being professional

I think that being professional with students is very important. There are just certain lines that should not be crossed. You must give and demand a certain level of respect in order to keep the teacher student relationship professional.

Hi Rachell,
I strongly agree with your point of view and since I am a new instructor I would like to know some of those lines that you think we should not cross, in order to improve my professionalism. Do you mind to share them? Thanks.

;-) Professionalism should apply to students as well as instructors.

I agree, an instructor should not be pal with their students. They should demand respect from their students and also treat the students with professionalism and respect.

Hi Raana,
Respect and rapport are two essential components of being a successful instructor. The students need to respect you and you them, plus you have some level of rapport with each one. Being a pal will prevent both respect and rapport being established.

In our new instructor training course we use this maxim in describing instructor/student relations :"You are on their side, but not on their level." I think that instructors should model the best of both of the professions they represent- as educator and a a member of the field they train their students for.

Think about the conversation before you have it. Ask yourself is the conversation relavent to the the students success?

Hi Travis,
I really like the saying. It puts the relationship in clear terms that should not be misunderstood by anyone.
We need to remember that we are always "on stage" even when we are walking down the hall. Always a professional and you will be serving your profession well.

What you wear says a lot about who you are. Your style comes into play. When you dress the part people will find you more creditable.

Hi Myron,
Truly the part of being a model for your students.

Yes. I agree. There is a line. I am a younger instructor (early 30s) and close in age to some of my students but always make sure to leave my personal life out of school.

You can be cool and professional without compromising your status as a teacher. Being able to bond will gain your student trust. No line crossing required…

Hi Esteban,
Well stated. You must always be seen as a professional not a buddy. This will help you to develop rapport with your students.

Absolutely! Students have all the friends they want or need. the instructor does not need to be a pal he needs to be the instructor. Additionaly, the instructor needs to be approachable. Tough line to follow for most of us, but it is necessary to be successful.

Hi Edna,
Right on with your statement. We as instructors are to be professional models for our students as well as resources for them as they move out into their careers.

I agree totally. Some students have not been in a professional or office situation so I want them to treat my class like their job.

I agree that as instructors we need to be professional, but we also need to build trust with our students. There is a lot of gray area between maintaining the proper teacher/instructor relationship and closing ourselves off to student concerns. When a personal problem becomes and obstruction to learning, the instructor needs to listen and guide the student towards resolutions or other resources...

Students always look to us to set the tempo.If we do not display professionalism,were else would they get it.

we are their role models for the future.when a student see's us acting,appearing professional,we will get the respect deserved of us and in return they wil want to model the example we have set. RLynch

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