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Ahh, the syllabus ...

When I was a student, I figured teachers just had a syllabus and that was that -- one size fits all. Not so! With each new cycle of students, I find things I can do to my syllabus to make it more useful to both me and my students. It's also a chance for me to look at what worked, what didn't and what I can do better. Unfortunately, we don't always have time to do that; but when it's there, use it. Don;t wait until you change textbooks to rework that syllabus.

Just my thoughts ...


Keep growing in your professional development. Each time you teach a class it gets easier and you gain additional strategies you can use with your students. I wish you continued success and much enjoyment in your teaching.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

This is the second class I will be teaching. In both classes, the school has prepared the syllabus. However, there were a few errors in the first one, but in going through the one for my second class, there were numerous errors. So I guess my lesson learned is do not always accept what is given to you by the school. It is difficult teaching for the first time as you are like a fish out of water. I learned much teaching my first class.

Hi Kristina,
You are right about the idea that the syllabus is just as useful for the instructor as the student. It helps the instructor to be focused and organized and with the course expectations laid out it helps to reduce uncertainty on the part of students.

I agree, I think the syllabus is a great learning tool, if used correctly. It a good visual of what the goals and expectations of the class are. I think it's just a useful for the instructor as the student.

I like the idea of having students sign the syllabus. I believe that practice would really emphasize the fact that the syllabus sets out the rules for the class and the student is agreeing to abide by the rules when signing it.

I also like the idea of it being a signed agreement between instructors and students. One of those soft skills I wish I would have had before signing non-competes! This is an excellent opportunity for students to learn to read before they sign.


Syllabus is a great thing to set goals and my intentions for the flow each class.

I agree with you. I too have found that the more precise & informative the syllabus can be written the less time I have to spend answering questions.

I agree. Also, the syllabus saves me from having to answer a lot of questions -- the time can be used more wisely.

I agree with you and do the same.

The syllabus is my road map, it builds a great foundation for the class and the teacher. It reminds me of a menu. Complete and Serves a Purpose. Just keep it simple so it does'nt spoil my appetite. Victoria Holbus

One of my challenges as a school director is faculty retention. I have found that constant improvement, updates, and additions in their courses helps to keep their interest. It is boring for them if they don't. Your practice is a great idea!

I agree John. I would be lost without it and I have to admit it gets rewritten often

Hi John,
Good thoughts and comments. Many instructors forget that the syllabus can be an additional tool for instruction, rather than just a requirement.

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