Keeping Students Interested
What techniques do you feel are most effective to keep the interest level high?
Hi Rodger,
A quick answer is variety. In my planning I strive for variety of presentation and application. This way students get to see the content from a number of different views. Mini-lectures and then discussions or applications help keep the students engaged. The key is not to try and give too much information before application is made. I also have some surprises I bring into class so I keep the students guessing some on how I will introduce a new topic. Games are another way of keep students interested. They like to play games using the new content they have.
I have used a technique that has worked very well in the past. Student become more instrested and motivated when they can see that the information has a Real World application and it will enhance their job performance.
If you create activities that are relevant to what is expected of them in their feild of work the level of student interest tends to increse.
Hi Humberto
You are on the right track with your instruction. You are moving your students from theory to application. I am amazed at how many students and even instructors don't really push this concept. These students are enrolled in a career college to receive training in a career. They have to have application to the real world or they are going to have a very difficult adjustment when they go to work.
What are some of the ways that you bring real world applications into your teaching?
Use different tools - change it up. Sometimes a relevant video, sometimes an outing, etc.
When the instructor changes his delivery tempo,volume,and demeanor during presentation the lesson becomes more exciting, even more fun, much like a conversation. If the instructor appears interested and excited about the material himself it is far easier to keep the student's interest.
Hi Danny,
Variety is needed in the classroom to keep the interest of the students. Your suggestions are very good ways of making that happen.
I agree. I find that while I'm lecturing if I pass around related items for the students to actually look at and handle I keep thier attention
Hi Christine,
John Dewey had it right back 1910 when he said "students learn best by doing". If they can see it, hear about it and experience it they will learn it.
If I had a presentation that required the passing of lots of diffrent items. Insted of passing the items around, I created discovery periods. Each table is a dicovery zone and has diffrent items related to each other along with refrence material. Students then have to rotate in an organized maner to every table and need to find out what is at their table and must take notes. Once we are done with the rotation, stdents have to report out what they discoverd.
Hi Humberto,
Thanks for the strategy. I know this will be of help to other instructors. "Hands on" experiences and applications help students to make the new knowledge a permanent part of their memory.
Distributing news articles, pertaining to the current topic and also engaging the students in group activities are great ways for keeping students interested, and retaining their attention. Also, as an instructor, one must also show genuine interest in the subject matter.
What kind of group activity can you do for Accounting? I'm sorry but I'm not very imaginative!
Hi Reva,
Key point. An interested excited instructor is key to keeping the students engaged in the learning process. Your efforts at providing relevant materials to your students is to be commended. Your students know you are looking for materials that are current so you can share them. Keep up the good work.
Hi Deborah,
Good question. Maybe some of our current participants can give you some suggestions. Since I have never taught accounting I am not sure just how to answer the question. In my teaching I use group activities all the time. I break into groups to do case studies, problem solving, and mini-presentations. Then I have the groups report out on their efforts. I would think that these same kinds of approaches would apply to accounting. You might want to try a case study approach and see how it works for you. If you have additional questions about how to set this up you can email me and I will help you format the case study.
Techniques that are effective in keeping my students interested in new learning is making the material relevant to each new group of students, through class discussions, and sharing of personal experiences.
I believe that all learning can be fun. If an instructor is able to take a subject that students view as "boring" and "dry", and make it seem relevant and exciting, student interest will be high.
Hi Sunshine,
You hit upon what I see as being the real enjoyment of teaching. Providing variety of delivery while meeting the individual needs of students. This is what produces "ah-ha" moments for both students and teachers.
I regularly ask direct questions or ask students to explain a particular objective in their own words as techniques to keep students interested. After a few class periods, students will certainly come to class more prepared when they know that they are expected to fully participate in the learning process. I fully agree that a varied presentation (lecture, demonstration, hands-on, multimedia, guest speakers, and field trips)enhances student interest.
probably the best way in my mind is to alternate the delivery methods during the lecture. It will keep them active and on their toes. Keeping them interested by exciting their sences. Plus, this could be done using the 15 min block structure.