Preparation for classes
When I am prepared for my class it just seems to make it easier to teach.
i am finding that talking to other instructers is the best way to prepair for class. they can help with equipment and also give personel help on what to expect from the class and the students.
I have found that you can never be over prepared for any class. Making sure that you have more than enough material is always better than comming up short. I always arrive at least fourty-five minutes before time for class to start and check my materials to ensure that I have an adequate supply to acomplish the days task. We also do lab projects here at this campus, such as transmission disassembly and reassembly, which means I have to ensure that all is in good repair and that spare parts are on hand. Nothing spoils the learning experience more that a poor quality trainning aid. If you start class ilprepared, what message does that send to your student about the importance of the task at hand.
I agree being prepared for class will make the day go smooth and the students will pick up on that.
I am in accordance with Jeffery, there is not a better way to start a class than making sure that all of the material that you will be using always on hand. Organization of all of the requisite documents that you will be handing out in a master copy book is how I am prepared to give my students adequate, clean, and ledgable documents for their studies.
I have found that if I prepar my class the day before with all the training ads I will need I am sure to be ready for the next days class and not have to go looking for the pices I need. I also have found that if I set up my class for the next day it is ready for the students when they enter the room.
Class preparation is very important in keeping your student's interest up during class. Having the correct training aids available for a particular part of the course. so you don't waste time and fumble around looking for what you need.
My hope is that the students follow my lead by coming in prepared. Any suggestions for those students who habitually come unprepared and late?
I agree, I arrive early also. I have found that if you do not have everything you need to teach the class for the day, the students can pick up on that and they think you are not prepared or not organized.
Using a premade course outline, powerpoint and restrictions on how much time you will get paid for all affect preparation in our school. Feeling a crunch financially due to the economy we have had our time to prep and such be reduced drastically. I like the idea of preparation, but how much should one do it "gratis"? The student education should come first, but in a school that is a "for profit' type of venture the educational experience gets dropped by the wayside as profit percentages decline.