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Class planing

I have taken the time over the last few days to watch some of my co workers preping for the class, I can see so many different ways that they bring themselfs into the class with how they are preparing for the day, for some it is a way to build themselves up and for others they go through the subject matter to make sure that they cover all the key points and to refresh the infomation in their minds. But no matter which way you plan you day you still have to bring your students into play so that you can insure that the subjects are cover for all to understand it.

Course prep is important for the learning environment. It allows you to have the support on what your topic is about. If you have everything set up prior to class then you can concentrate on your class and not worry about looking like a screwball scrambling around while you’re talking about your topic. Students lose trust in your ability and confidence in you as an instructor. With your course prep set up, it is easier to relate to the students and your attention is given to them. If you have a visual demonstration set up, then, when you get to that point in your lecture you can flow right into the presentation without breaking the student’s concentration. They will receive the point clearer than if you had to stop and set up during the presentation. Keith

In class planning the following factors must be considered: objectives,content, method of delivery,visual aides, resource materials and learning environment. I always prep the students prior to a given class the topic assignments and what is expected of them for a productive and dynamic discussion. The most important factor though is the "confidence" exhibited by the instructor because she/he is knowledgeable not only what is in the content but providing other relevant/current info from websites, newspapers, TV or other media.

It's a show production you are putting on for the students during lecture. Before class, i make sure all show and tells are ready and accessible. I take about 5 minutes to run the whole show through my mind and make sure eveything is going to be covered.Everything in the lecture is related to something else outside the course so they can understand the new material.

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