Not being updated and test banks, do you have issues with poor edited materials?
Hi Luis,
This is not uncommon when it comes to some commercial materials. I review the materials and then develop handouts to make sure the content is accurate and current. This way the students know I am keeping up with my field with the latest information.
How about the spelling errors in the books.
Outdated material is sometimes an issue. If I am teaching I want to make sure that I can give book knowledge and real world because sometimes the info is outdated.
I have noticed that when having students complete chapter review questions with finding the answer in the book and then the same question from the test bank will have a different answer. I have now had to take the tests and found each answer myself and not been able to depend on the test banks. Is this common?
I have taught mathematics at the community college level for over 30 years. I am finding that the books aren't being proof read as closely as they should be. I find many errors. As an example last week I was covering a section on algebraic expressions and the book had the students evaluate algebraic expressions however they werent expressions. They were calling equations expressions. There is a distinct difference. Also I find that gimicks that are used to solve problems are showing up in textbooks. A good example is lattice multiplication. The students need to learn the basics of mathematics not gimmicks.
Hi Andrea,
This is why I use handouts that are current to go along with the text. This way my students know they are getting the latest information about their field.
Hi Milton,
Good point about textbooks. We all have to be very careful how we use and refer to them in our classes because they can get our students derailed if we aren't careful. The example you cited shows this very clearly. Thanks for sharing it with us.
I'm happy to say I really like the text book I'm using with my speech students (COMMUNICATE!). That's one of the first things I tell them on the first day...."I really like this text book and I think you are going to like it, too."
I think that it is prudent to review the text and revise some of the materials for the students in a hand out. Often times the text is hard to understand and this definitely helps clarify what you as the instructor want the students to know for exams.
Hi Susie,
You are so fortunate. Many instructors are "stuck" with a textbook not of their choosing. By having one you like and can teach from gives you head start on learning in your class.
Since I teach technology class, I use books as notes for the students. They can complete any task by following step by step instructions.
Providing student friendly envirement allow students to ask question and participate with the class meterials thus creates better learning for all concern
I have run into this so many times that I quit using the test banks and just make my own test.
We also have one particular text book that is horrible. It is not even accurate to what is being used in the office(dental assisting). I even asked a Dentist if this was maybe something they were taught in dental school and even he had no idea what the book was talking about! We go over the terms and definitions and thats about all that book is good for. I hate it because the students pay around $80 for this book. Most of the class of based on handouts.
Hi Susan,
Though not unusual it is sad when students have to use a text like this. Though you can make it a teachable moment as you go through the course through the use of your handouts and showing them what is accurate for your field.
Hi Susie-
Dennis Heinke, Adjunct Instructor, here. 'Nice to hear someone else happy with their texts. I've lucked out so far...have had two great texts, on Interpersonal Relations, and Intro to Psych. Both are very well written, and have wonderful supplemental materials/resource book. I also go online, to find additional videos to supplement the text material. There are a few errors in the texts, mostly typos, and the test banks do have a few questions that have resulted in student challenges, and me accepting a different answer, because the text was unclear. However, all-in-all, I'm happy.
Whew! You are so right, and the testbank is often wrong. I pull a test and check the answer before administering the test.
There is so much incorrect information in the textbook I use, I think I confuse the students more than help them. The textbook will say one thing and the test bank will have the correct answer. I will usually correct the situation and throw the question out.
Hi Cynthia,
This is a good caution for all instructors. Publishers don't check as accurately as they should between the text and the test bank. Be sure you do a review for yourself before using textbook test banks.
I use the assigned book for the class I teach and the testbanks. I often find that if I see an error in the book it creates a great topic of discussion for the class and a good way for me to introduce different ways of thinking in a given field. A question may have more than one answer that I see as correct and when the class can discuss why one student chose one answer and one chose another it intoduces different ways of looking into the material. Students will argue their logic and I like to point out that the same thing happens in their chosen profession, different people will do things different ways and achieve the same result.