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Reminder Notebook

I really liked the suggestion to keep a notebook handy to write down any questions and/or tasks I need to answer/do so that I am sure to remain on task. I will have to start doing this. With teaching well over 100 students it is hard to remember who needs what.

I think you will really like how this strategy helps you.

I just bought a pocket notebook and it has already helped me. I keep in in my pocket and as soon as I as asked or told something of importance I take time to write it down. This is such a simple way to remember EVERYTHING of importance that went on during the day without straining my memory.
Love it!!!!

Not only does it help remember important items, but when teaching the same course to different classes it helps keep you on target of where discussions left off for each individual class

I really like this idea. Althouh I teach two specific classes I tend to deal with all the students in the program. I tend to forget about certain things I need to be looking up because I am trying to do so many different things at one time. And though I do know how to multi task I can not remember everything. So I think this is a fantastic idea and I will use the pocket book because it is easier to take from room to room! Thank you!

Good strategy to follow. I understand where you are coming from since I have approximately 300 students each semester in three different classes. Without my reminder notebook I would be lost and probably couldn't find my car in the parking lot.

Whenever a student approaches me for a particular need, I immediately place it on my smartphone calendar with reminder attached. This seems to work for me.

Good suggestion for other instructors to follow. This will make sure that the request is visible and not forgotten.

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