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developing a planning

I think the better way to orientated your students is developing a good study plan were they can find everything that they need for the class.

I'm a new instructor and I will like to ask you what is the most important for you at the time that you are preparing a lecture ?

My current students. I plan my selection of content around the current group of students. I want my instruction to be customized and targeted. This is student centered instructional planning. This way I will be able to keep them engaged and focused throughout the course.

Dr. Gary Meers

If you are teaching multiple classes with different topics how do you find time to customized your courses and teach at the same time. If I am in class for 6 hours a day how does one find time to adjust the class for the students?

Customizing a course can be done by adding examples into the content that relate to the current group of students. Bringing current events into the class that students can identify with is another way. Nothing that consumes excessive time but does show the students that you are thinking of them individually. As you gain experience as a teacher you will have more activities you can use with your students based upon their backgrounds. Some of my classes are very vocal so we do more discussion others are more competitive so we play games that reinforce the content and they work together in groups. Just little things like this helps to customize a course for students.

Dr. Gary Meers

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