Show time!
I enjoyed the section of this module on first impressions and "show time". I am a firm believer in the importance of "the first impression". I also believe that you teach people how to treat or respond to you. If you allow disrespect...they will desrespect you and vice versa. I liked the suggestions about always arriving early and making sure that things are ready to go when the students first arrive. Preparation shoudl not begin right before the students arrive or after the fact. You create ideas about yourself, preparation, and ultimately questions about your ability as an instructor if you are not prepared and on time. It may also be hard to teach students about deadlins and the professional world if you are not able to meet deadlines and act by example. We are models for these individuals and we need to always be ready, copies made, a back-up plan outlined...and so forth by.."show time".
I agree that first impressions are the most valued. As Instructors we do not usually get a dress rehearsal before showtime. A continued professional demeanor goes a long way in a persons educational experiences.
well put I always do the first impression at the door the ol meet & greet I make fun of it so the students see me as relaxed and they will also be better relaxed for the first week mostly then there who they are we do 3 week phases so the first week i'm not as strict on them to a point but I let them know once they enter the real world this what is expected each and every day
"Show Time" That's it the curtain goes up and your there. You should know your lines and be ready to put on the show! No body want's to see you learning your lines on opening night. Being prepared ahead of time is the making of a role model. And knowing your subject matter doesn't hurt ether!