Tips for new teachers
What would be some suggestions to build confidence going into that fist day in your first teaching assighnment?
Hi Tim,
Select and use an activity that will get your students involved, is low risk and will result in success for your students. This can be an "ice breaker" where students break up into small groups and compete to complete a problem in your field. This will give them success and you will be able to move around the class/lab and get a field for the class. Once that is done you can move onto a mini-lecture. You should have some confidence at this point since you have already guided your students through the activity.
Good luck! Let me know how it works out for you.
Wow, I never really considered doing small groups. I think I will try that when I do my first class, as an "ice breaker". This way the students will be able to learn interactively. Thanks!
I have noticed that some students really love the idea of working on "teams." For some students, this motivates them to do better.
As a new teacher my self I find that some good advice would be to remember that you were a student once and that they are here to learn. If they allready were aware of the tasks you were teaching then they would not be students.
a group of 4-5 for me is reasonable based on the few weeks that i have been working as a clinical instructor.
Donita Ganzon
Response to Gary, I like your tip about small groups for an activity. This makes it more manageable and gets everyone involved. This seems to work as I have tried it especially in bigger class sizes. I do agree it allows more confidence to be built up and lets you move into the lecture portion now that you have their attention. Thanks, Sharon
small groups sounds like the hot ticket. As a new instructor I just might follow this advice
Wow! Thanks for the advice. I think small groups are the way to go. I believe most people would be more comfortable starting off in a more intimate setting.
I think that having students work in groups also helps young adults work on socialization skills.
Be prepared, with and open mind and confident.
Specially, happy to be there.
Every single new class that I start I do prepare and learn as much as possible about the subject to teach, then during that first setion I do take notes and try, as my course pregresses to correct myself. There is so much to learn
that is the beauty of teaching.
Hi Sabrina,
Good comment about teaching. It is never boring since even if the content doesn't change the students due. Also, each time you teach a course you can try new things in terms of delivery. I have been teaching a long time and each time I start a new course I look forward to how it will unfold based upon student dynamics and course activities.