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Making a Positive First Impression

Why is a positive first impression important when starting a new class?

Dressing the part and presenting in a clean and professional manner is key in establising a first impression with a new class. Students will likely feel uncomfortable with a shabby, unclean instructor and confidence in teaching ability may be unfairly affected.

I personally feel that a positive first impression is very important when starting a new class because it is the solid foundation of which the class is built upon! That is why you have to be prepared because you only have one chance to make a good first impression.

So the new students can get to know you are a person that cares about there needs.

It is imperative to make a good first impression to enable the students t o "buy into" the class and thus be more success. First impressions are lasting impressions and set the tone for both individual and class academic success. Negative impressions have the opposite impact on student engagement and success.

Because a first impression is usually all you get to make - most people decide whether or not they like or dislike someone or something withing a matter of seconds. A bad first impression is very hard to change and will set the tone for the rest of the course. We all say "don't judge a book by its cover" yet we all do. Showing you are professional and passionate will go a long way versus being late and unprepared.

You onlu really get one chance to make that first impression, that is why its important to do it right the very first time you walk into your fist day of class. You want to be able to set the tone in class and make sure all students get a good feel of the instructor and what to expect throughtout the term.

I'm a firm believer that first impressions always set the tone for respect and attentiveness.

So true. The first impression is the foundation upon which the rest of the course is built so it needs to be a good one.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I believe a first impression is important to the start of a new class because it sets the foundation and tone of the success for the class.

Positive first impressions are important because you gain your trust from your students, it motivates and excites them for the upcoming courses. You are starting on the right path to success. First impressions can make or break a person.

Very often a first impression is a lasting impression. It sets the tone for how the rest of the course will unfold for individual students or the class as a whole. Enthusiasm (or lack thereof) is infectious. If you can demonstrate and expose the students to your enthusiasm for the class content on that first day, you can often spark interest and enthusiasm in others. However, there can be a fine line between sharing your enthusiasm and overwhelming students with too much enthusiasm! It goes back to the modeling, managing and motivating factors that were identified in earlier modules. Sometimes we only get one shot at generating that "this is going to be a great class" impression, and that first interaction with students' can create the right combination of involvement, excitement and motivation that will make students' want to learn and look forward to coming back to class ready to take on the challenges and opportunities that are offered, rather than dreading what lies ahead.

I believe a positive first impression is important because it allows the students to have confidence in you as the instructor.

Good point because as the learning leader it is up to you to make a good first impression and then move the class forward in the learning process.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

If you make a positive first impression the rest of the days will go easier because the students will feel comfortable and want to learn. Without a good impression, students can test you and make it hard to teach.

A positive first impression lets students know you are a professional and it helps to earn respect in the classroom. It shows you respect them and their time as students as well as people.

Need to make a great first impression since you are their mentor, they follow by example

It is important to have a positive first impression with a new class because it sets the tone for how the rest of the course will go. If the students perceive you as calm and at ease, they may relax a little and it may alleviate some of their anxiety related to that class, and vice versa.

A positive first impression sets the tone for the rest of the class. I generally wear business attire on all class days, but particularly on the first day. I want to send the message that I take both the students and myself seriously.

I introduce myself to the class and ask each student to introduce themselves to the class also. I usually ask each student a question or two after their introduction, to convey my personal interest in them, and to begin what I hope will become a dialog.

Students decide on the content and the delivery for a class. The first impression allows them to decided if you're the one they want to take the class from or if they can get away with things from you.

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