I believe that if the instructor displays a confident professional persona to the new class they will usually have the student relating back in a professional manner.
A positive first impression allows students to know that their instructor cares about his/her education. A positive first impression makes the student feel more comfortable in approaching his/her instructor.
This is so important because it is the foundation upon which the rest of the course is going to be built. We need to make it a good one for our students so they will see that we care about them and their success.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
A positive first impression is important because we want the students to like us and feel comfortable and happy with their choice to come to school.
Glad to hear of the positive instructors that you have had in your own background. These individuals are models upon which you can draw as you develop your own instructional style and make a positive first impression with your students.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
The first impression is a place to start a positive learning environment. What always made me more comfortable in a new course with a new instructor was the feeling that they were approachable and interested in my learning the material. So duplicating that is one of my goals with the first impression of the course.
To gain respect from students, they're attention, and to spark their motivation to learn in the class
Thank you for these good comments about how the instructor should project a professional attitude along with a sense of humaneness so the students will be at ease as they settle into the course.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
The first impression will set the mood for the whole term. It is important to make it a good experience so that students can feel enthusiastic about what they will learn because their goals are attainable, there are clear expectations, the instructor is professional, approachable and organized, and the environment is conducive to learning. They will know what to do from Day 1.
As with meeting anyone for the first time, first impressions as instructor to a new class is essential. Students need to feel that the instructor is human too, and by opening up and speaking briefly about yourself as an instructor can help you gain their trust of you as a nursing instructor.
Can't say anymore than what you have. It is an essential part of getting a course off to a good start and the foundation upon which the rest of the course will be built.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Honestly, I don't think this point can be emphasized enough. This has always been my most effective weapon for setting the tone and maintaining a level of respect.
Well said because you are setting the standards for the course and helping your students see where you are taking the course.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Throughout my years of instructing, I have gained an understanding of why first impressions are so crucial. When students first walk in my class, they really do not know what to expect. I arrive at least five to ten minutes early, just to make sure everything is prepared and ready for the days lecture and activity. After the class introductions and course expectations, I also let all students know what is expected of him or her and what he or she can expect from me. With every new encounter, I am evaluated and yet another person's impression of me is formed. These first impression can be nearly impossible to reverse or undo, making those first encounters extremely important, for they set the tone for all the relationships that follows. So, therefore, as an instructor, I have to set the tone and maintain professional from the first impression to the last.
Ynonnie Davis, MHAEd
The first impression is the foundation upon which the rest of the course is built so it is important that it be a positive and supportive one.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
The first impression sets the 'tone' for the course and the instructor. This includes appearance, organization and expectations.
For me being there early and greeting the students is fun because I can be informal with them and catch up on what is happening with them. This sets the stage for an engaging class to come since I can relate to the student based upon what they have shared with me during our greeting time.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I like the idea of being in the classroom early and greeting each student as they come in and then engaging them in what their expectations are from the class. These things would certainly make me less nervous in the classroom.