Positive impressions on the first day are crucial and set the tone for how the entire term will be. When your expectations are clear and understood and that you intend for the students to meet those expectations with clearly defined criteria, objectives and goals they will work harder to do well in the class. But you, the instructor should stand by what you have set on the first day.
Consistency is a must for instructors. If students know that their instructor is going to enforce the policies of the course and be consistent in the requirements then they settle in and start to focus on the course. Also, the first impression is the foundation upon which the remainder of the course is built so it needs to be a good one.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
The first impression sets the "tone" for the whole term.
It is the best opportunity to establish expectations, build excitement and create a positive forward motion.
Good point because the first impression is the foundation upon which future interactions and perspectives are built.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
You only have one time to make a first impression. A positive first impression is important because it sets the standard for the course.
It is important to have a positive first impression when starting a new class because it helps students feel good in a positive environment.
A first Impression is important when meeting anyone for the first time, let alone a student and instructor. The student needs to feel confident, not only in themselves but their instructor as well. This is crucial in the initial meeting.
First impression is the lasting one. It starts the second you enter the class, and it could affect yourstudents attitude for the rest of the course
For our students, consistency is everything. If it is not their first class, they have been exposed to other instructors. Unfortunately, there are good and bad in the bunch. A good impression in the beginning of the class sets you apart from that bad group. If they don't respect you in the beginning, the class will become difficult for the students and instructors. It will be more like pulling teeth for the instructor to get participation and work out of the students.
One just can't restart after a poor impression, so that first day is the courtship of your new relationship. All of your talents need to be upfront, to persuade, to elaborate, and explain yourself and your intentions to the participants in the class. The material is usually tough by itself, so my goal is to impress the class that i am a resource for them, and can guide them even if it seems insurmountable. I am there to break open the subject and make the parts digestible, more reasonable, and light up their natural learning and curiosity, all of which can be coached. My favorite example is the movie about the inner city kids being taught calculus, that is inspiration at its best.
Right you are and this is why it needs to be planned well so the students will see that they are going to have a good experience with their instructor.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
What I have also found is that you have to remain steadfast in your expectations as well, since students pick up on any shift in your consistency with set standards. I am always pleased with the attendance I get in my classes each day/course. Students know that I briefly review skills/points from the last session and I make it a point to ask each student a question and then if they cannot answer it, I ask another student to provide the answer instead of me doing so.
Good strategy to follow with your students. This way they know your are going to be consistent with your expectations and they can plan their effort to give them course success.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
When you make a positive first impression on day one, you grasp the students of your students and gain control of your classroom. When students see a confident instructor with everything organized and well laid out it gives them comfort in knowing the class will be ok.
Creating a positive first impression is an excellent opportunity to engage students. It provides an atmosphere of "confidence", shows leadership in the classroom.
So true because as a result of the positive first impression you are established as the learning leader and then it builds from there. This is how respect is earned and rapport developed.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
You only get one first impression. It is important to appear approachable, professional, and relatable to the students. I want my students to feel comfortable approaching me with any issues be it school or personal. That philosophy is a staple I hope I never lose.
I think it sets the tone for the whole term and your success with your class and respect from your students. Gives the students a positive attitude with starting their new course and their new instructor.
As the saying go you only have 1 first impression,
it needs to be positive. So you will relax you students and the will know what to expect. And this will give a better attitude towards you knowing you are not going to be that hard a..,