"Why should I believe what you are telling me, if I don't like you in the first place?" that is, it. It is all about marketing, you need to establish yourself as a credible source of information. You need to create a rapport, so that you can tap into the students' willingness to learn what you are going to teach them. You need to share your experiences, so they understand the relevancy of what they are about to learn and apply it to their own experiences. And finally, you need to show that you care, that you are setting them up for success and not failure. This is all very hard, if not impossible, to achieve in the first encounter. But the very first steps, such as being there early, being in full uniform (it applies to my school), having all the material they will need to get started, those are all little steps that make a difference.
Your last sentence says it all in terms of the importance of a good first impression. It is the foundation upon which future class sessions are built. So as you say organize, prepare, and deliver an engaging first class session and then build upon this impression from there.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Among the many reasons of a positive first impression, you want to build a rapport with your students that will last the entire semester. It is imperative that the students know what is expected of them not only with the work they will do, but also their behavior. Walking in on day one and showing that you are prepared, diligent, and there for them, they will pick up on it and hopefully emulate it. Lead by example.
The first impression is the foundation upon which future class sessions is built. This is why it needs to be a good one so everyone is on the same page and ready to move forward in the course.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
First impression in the class is very important. I like to also give a background of my experience in the field and also an overview of what will be taught in the class.
Yes it does and this is why it is important to plan for and deliver a good first impression and class opening. It is the foundation upon which the rest of the course is built.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Positive impressions are important to show the students that your positive and passionate about their learning experience and your excitement to teach them. If the students get a negative impression it may give the wrong impression and they may not motivate themselves the way they should.
I agreed that the first impression is very important because in many cases set the tone of many student in motivation, williness to learn and even attitute toward class.
You have covered a great point for "first impression".
Your next to last sentence really captures what we need to do to prepare for our first class meeting. You last sentence gives the reward that comes as a result of all the effort. Yes, they will notice and this forms the foundation upon which their respect is earned.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
First impressions sound extreme and they are! Yes, instructors will have the opportunity to 'fix' issues during other classes but it will cost more of the time that is limited already. Yes, first impressions are extremely important! This is when students will be, more likely, asked about their class: the first day. Let's be prepared, on time, and bring your best smile. It will save you time and your students will notice it.
Good point because the first impression is the foundation upon which the rest of the course is built.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Your last sentence really puts it all in perspective. This is what instructors should strive to do when they start a new course off and are trying to gain the attention of students. This is how respect is earned and rapport developed.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
First impression sets the tone for the behavior and expectations of the class. Can make or break your influence as the instructor.
It is important to make a positive first impression because it sets the tone for the course. As a math instructor, many of my adult learners fear the content. However, if I can show them that I am a fair and equitable instructor who cares about their academic success, the value of the instructor can outweigh the fear of the content.
This is a good caution for all instructors to remember. As the learning leader the instructor needs to reinforce how important the course is and why the content offered is of value to them. Student accountability needs to be maintained so deadlines are met and assignments completed. They are going to have to meet deadlines in the workplace so they need to start learning how to meet them in classes.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I agree you have to make the students comfortable but find if to laid back the student feel the class is not serious and will be late on assignments with the impression your "cool" and the class will be a breeze
This is why planning for the first class is so important. It is the foundation upon which future class sessions are built.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
It was my first time to teach...they came in waiting "for the crazy" they were very suprised to find out that I was totally normal. First impression stayed with them all term. Even what I had on.
This is the way to provide a solid foundation for your students upon which the rest of the course will be built.
You are a good role model for your students since you have returned to college as an adult and are able to share with your students your experiences and help them understand that you know what they are going through by coming back to school.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.