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First Class

There are so many methods of starting the first class. The aims are many: to relax the students, to provide introductions, to explain the course, etc.

I find that it really depends on the student population. For example, more experienced and older students (e.g. adults) usually like to cut to the chase and trim out all of the unnecessary introduction material. Younger and less experienced students usually need more time to adjust to the new environment, and they require more assurance.

I would completely agree with you Jesse. Those students that are cohorts don't need the extra time of formal introductions.

I agree. If you have a larger class size its much more difficult to convey information to the students.


Yes-concur. So the specific list of actions in an exact order for the 1st class the course here prescribed may not be best - it depends on a number of factors, and the list here should be recommended, but allow for adjustments as may be best based on the circumstances.

Hi Edward,
Right you are about needing to be flexible in your planning. The list offered in the course is intended to be just that a list. It is up to the instructor to find the steps and sequence that work best in his/her situation. The key is good planning and preparation.

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