Trouble learning names
I have a great deal of trouble remembering my students names I have approximately 40 new students every 6 weeks and sometimes I find it very hard to remember their names. Does anyone have any ideas on how I can remember their names better?
There is an instructor whom I work with that shakes everyone's hand as they enter and has them introduce themselves.
Greeting the students and helping them get settled into the class is a good way to earn their respect and start the development of rapport.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Mary, I too have trouble remembering all my students names. To help me remember their names and to get to know them better, I make it a point during the very first week to approach each student individually and have a short conversation with them. In this way, I am also able to hear some of their personal concerns and needs that they did not wish to express openly in class.
Hi Mary,
The only way that I can learn my students name (60) of them is to have printed composite pictures of them to study. When I take attendance I look at the composite to get names and faces together; in addition to where each student prefers to sit in class. The first day seating assignment usually stands for the rest of the semester.
Thanks, Diane Osso
I tend to repeat their name again. And when I call on students I use their name and am willing to ask their name again on many occasions until I get it right.
I actually start out "town meeting" style, what brought you here? things such as that.
Easy comfortable way to open a class and get everyone settled into the course.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I am going to do this. I have thought about doing this before but have not due to how much material is to be covered in a short amount or time. However, I think by having a short conversation with each student helps the student to realize that "we" really have an interest in their lives.
This is the human factor in being a learning leader and we need to cultivate our relationship with students as much as we can. Not only does this help to engage the students but it is also so rewarding because we get to meet and work with such interesting individuals.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I make it a point to call on my students by using their names. I never just nod at them or point. If it takes me a minute, I usually poke fun at myself to lighten the fact that I forgot somebody's name. But it's a small victory when I remember them. I have the students hand in their homework or quizzes one at a time so I can put a name to a face, as well as pick up assignments from me as I call out the name on top of the pile. Repetition is key for me.
Before student introductions, I will map a layout of the classroom and write their names and interests on the map during introductions. Students tend to sit in the same seats or even if they don't, I still have their particulars jotted down.
Good strategy for remembering student names. Thanks for sharing it with us. Most of us are always looking for ways to learn names quickly.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I like that as well I've got 10 - 15 every 12 weeks that's really going to help
Glad to hear it. This is an ongoing challenge for most of us instructors. Am starting 300 new students next week and so I have my work cut out for me. Will be fun to get to know them as individuals as well as their names and backgrounds. Can't wait for next Monday.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I continuously try to perfect the “name game “, I plan to find additional ways to improve.
This is an ongoing challenge for us all. Keep up the good effort.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.