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first day jitters

As a new instructor, not knowing any of the students, or their habits can be a good thing and a bad thing. I was nervous going in, but reminding myself that none of the students know me, and I don't know them, so I cant have any apprehensions was helpful. On the other hand, how would I handle any problematic student that may arise, not knowing what may or may not set them off

Be confident. You will have problematic students. Be calm and confident when a situation arises.

Both parties got to get off to a fresh start with each other. Then the students and yourself can focus on earning respect and developing rapport and this is how growth occurs.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

As an Educator, it is important that we take the proper steps to always ensure a safe environment for students as well as ourselves. We may not be able to predict problematic situations, but we can take control of our classroom. Positive attitudes and the ability to diffuse a aggravated scenario is the key to the best possible solution. We may not have the right answers, but we are given the ability to diffuse certain situations. Do not be afraid to take the lead and extend a equal calming.

Well said. We are the learning leader of the class and as a result we need to act like it, lead like it, and be consistent in it. The results will be more engaged students and increased learning opportunities.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I hope the first day jitters are a bit easier with my first class, I was given the chance to meet them while in training and lecture a time or two before the move into my Advanced Coding Class.

First day jitters are OK. They help you to become more focused and engaged as you start the class off. Before you know it the jitters are gone and you are settled into a flow and you realize that this is what being an educator is all about.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

A simple phrase but "go big or go home" bring all of you personality the first day and don't leave any of it at home, never will everyone love you 100% but if you make your best effort you can make an impact and the first day is the best time to do it

Great example. Like the expression and like how you apply it to bringing your personality to class. By bringing your A game to class each day you at least know you are doing your very professional best to your students and you can feel good about that.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Ice breakers are a great way to "break the ice" and combat first day jitters. There are several different types of ice breakers that can be utilized in the classroom and make the rapport development phase quicker.

Latoya Lewis MSN RN
PCI Instructor

I am a big fan of ice breakers. Thank you for mentioning them. They help to get a new course off to a good start and get everyone settled into the course.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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