Delivery of course information must be in a manner that can be understood by all students. This means that as an instructor we must be so flexible that any student can pick up the required information. This also means that class prep and training is key
Hi Mark,
The ability to come up with different approaches to explain a concept is an example of a good instructor. You make a very good point about how you have to do this often. Keep up the good work as I know your students are benefiting from your efforts to come at an explanation a different while getting the point across.
I agree with the fact that class prep and and training are key. However the ability to think on your feet is also very important. some times you will have a student that just doesn't get any of your analogies or explinations. In this case you need to be able to come up with other ways to explain it so that everyone understands how said process works. You do not have all day to do this, it has to happen quickly so you dont loose the rest of the class.
Delivery of information means sometimes you must repeat things to get your message accross to each student.
I agree with you 100%, that from Day 1, the instructor must evaluate the level of the class aswell as the students and adjusts the presentation so that everyone has an opportunity to learn
I agree as long as it is presented to all learning styles. Whether is done in all four styles for the original presentation or changed up as a reveiw project.
As an intructor you must keep your lectures up beat and fun for the student. By not doing so they lose interest in the subject.
I agree, we must have more than one approach to teaching a specific topic. Just because the method you used last class worked, does not mean it will work with the present class. As insrtuctors we must be very flexible on how you present the material.
What are some suggestions you have for delivering the content to a class of students so that the brighter students don't feel like they are being talked down to and yet keep the struggling students engaged at the same time?
Hi Stephen,
This is always a tough thing to do, with such a short time frame. There are a number of instructional supports that can help students progress faster, like graphic organizers and study guides. These things help the students that need more time to grasp things to focus in on the right things to study.
Hi Jose,
Good points about the challenges of meeting the different learning needs of a diverse student body. This is what makes teaching both challenging and exciting, trying to find the right combination of instructional strategies to help everyone learn.
Keep up the good work.
Taking time is the problem! we do our courses in three week phases,some of the slower students can move on quickley and others have a hard time keeping up! How can one balance these needs?
the delivery of information is a subject very wide to discuss because you have diferent kinds of students, different behaviors, ages, sex, and cultural bacground and to explain a topic with all those differences is a real challenge is not easy at all but if you take enough time you can acomplish even the most difficult tasks.
the delivery of information is a subject very wide to discuss because you have diferent kinds of students, different behaviors, ages, sex, and cultural bacground and to explain a topic with all those differences is a real challenge is not easy at all but if you take enough time you can acomplish even the most difficult tasks.
I agree. And to be flexible we must keep in mind to teach to all learning styles so all students will benefit from our instruction.
Basically we need to have lots of different methods of saying the same thing. We need to have the ability to be both entertaining and technical all at the same time.
I agree in my class room I may have a 18 yr old sitting next to a 48 yr old person and teaching to that rang of age groop is never done well if the teacher is not orginized and prepared for it.
Yes the delivery depends on what type of learners that you have in your class, ask yourself how can they be stimulated to keep the interest and focus. The information should be presented in more than one way.