The Room
The class room appearance is an area that a lot of instructors miss. A room that has pictures and information concerning the subject is far more appealing to the student that 4 bare walls.
I went as far as decorating my room with the trainning aids coming out of the walls. It's great because it gives the room a wow factor and the students can interact with ease.
The room appearance is very important to the image that the student would expect. This is the first impresssion, and it sets the tone of the class.
I agree that room atmosphere is essential we recently went through a room enhancement where we decorated the room to tailor the class and we have found a "WOW" effect. student like the change and feel more relaxed in class. As one student put it "it felt like a asilum with the plain walls."
I agree as long as you don't over do it. A room that is too "busy" can be a distraction.
Should the room be reflective of its real world conterpart?
Over done could take the WOW out of it. In a course that has many different areas to be discussed overtime, Change it up to reflect on that particular lesson. Some "NEW EYE CANDY" if you will.
when teaching a course having the students do a presentation and let them know that only a few of the best ones will be allowed on the wall of fame for several courses . that usualy gets the students in a competitive mood.
I agree that the room will set the tone for the learning environment. Where I work, those that are in high management positions want the rooms to be as clean as a hospital so that everything looks nice when they are touring perspective students. I disagree with that completely. The rooms should look like learning is happening, and if everything is neatly tucked away somewhere you do not get the impression that nothing hands on ever happens.
Hi Kenny,
I believe that the teaching environment needs to be welcoming to students both current and perspective. I would suggest that you talk with the front office and try to develop a balance between a sterile room and an inviting room. I like you like to display things, have posters up and in general make my room/lab inviting. I am really into organization and neatness but I can have that in my setting while making it look like learning is occurring since it is.
I do know if I have cut aways or sample objects laying out when perspective students walk through they are much more focused because they are seeing things that they will be studying that are related to their future career.