Relevent course material
Whats the best way to find relevant material for your course?
I use the internet mainly (you can find just about anything). experience and text books also play a large role in my lectures.
Good way to keep current and show the students what will be expected of them when they graduate.
Dr. Gary Meers
Talk with your advisory committee members and see what they recommend. Consult with other instructors that teach the same courses as you. Do internet searches and see what is listed there. These are just a few examples that you can explore.
Dr. Gary Meers
One needs to be carefull about what one reads on the internet though, there is a lot of stuff on the net yet because of free postings(wiki, forums,etc)alot of info is incorrect, when getting info make sure it is from a reliable source. (ex.for info on alternators research the manufacturers of alternators.)
Good reminder for all of instructors to help guide our students as they research course content.
Dr. Gary Meers