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hands on learning

I play instrument games with my class

When teaching my students palpation skills, they need to be able to describe the object, explain temperature, smooth, rough, slimmy, sticky, soft, hard, etc. I gather about 10 items, placing in a box and students need to tell me what they feel and can they tell what it is without seeing it. It teaches them to let their fingers become their eyes.

Hi Lisa - That sounds great! can you tell me more about the different stations that you use in your class? Thanks! Susan

I have different stations during my career development class that express the different learning styles! Students have a blast and discover their learning styles! Education can be fun!

Hi Samuel - Thanks for your post to the forum. Teaching is really part performance, because as you mention, unless we have our students interest and attention, they will not learn. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

I always bring fun into the classroom and never let it get dull. I keep my students guessing what is going to happen next.

Hi Tami. Seems interesting. I also use some type of simulation to keep students interested and aware.

I find that many students enjoy this type of learning environment too.

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