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moveing too fast

In a vocational school such as I teach in,we go through a class in three weeks,transitioning from one learning to anouther with 30 students.What can I do to better gage individual learning in such a fast paced inviornment?

Hi Allen - I would definitely use CATs to make sure that you know what is being absorbed on a daily basis. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

I would use an initial evaluation of class expectations-- what do the students anticpate learning in the course? Then keep that in mind when going through the curriculum. Then at the end ask for them to let you know if those questions were answered. at least you would know what the students felt was most important to get out of the class and at a minimum they should be getting that information out of the accelerated course.

Allen, using CATs would indeed be good for feedback for you, but it would also be good for them. In such a fast-paced environment, it can be easy for students to forget or not even understand how much they've learned while still in the class. You might make sure that in your closure to each period, you plan in your lessons a summary or review activity that ties back to the objectives you previewed at the beginning of the class. It's the old "tell 'em what you're going to teach 'em, then teach 'em, then tell 'em what you taught 'em" method.

Our students lead such busy lives, and we have so much to cover in such a challenging time frame, it's just as important for them to walk out thinking about what they've learned as it is for us to determine how well they've learned it.

Hi Tiffany, Thanks for sharing a good idea that allows students to understand what they have learned! Best wishes - Susan

Susan Polick

I think that it is important not to move to fast in class because students can easily become discombobulated. Instructors should ensure that the students are actively engage.

my students are a reflection of me. it is important to make sure each students grasps information. Throwing information at a student is not teaching, anyone can do this. whats makes an instructor an effective teacher is wheter or not they can help the student grasp the information.

Hi Michaya, Very well stated!! We have a craft that we must constantly work to improve. Our product is our students! Susan

Susan Polick

In a fast pace vocational setting, I set the tone on the first day. I advise the students that I am not above reproach and I give them pointers on how to get through the class successfully. The greatest key is time management. We talk about what would keep them from completing the course and then come up with reasonable solutions that would otherwise prevent it. I advise them to link up with fellow classmates for assistance when I'm not available. I also give all my students my phone number to contact me for questions or concerns. I make them feel that they are the priority and failure is not an option!

As an instructor you set the standard and become the example. From day one the goal is to be just as good or better then what they expect of themselves and me. This sets the tone then in a fast pace setting review ,discuss and apply constantly. This allows the student to build their knowledge, improve comprehension, which allows for better application and growth.

Hi Latwone, I liked that you included yourself, as teacher, in the goal to continuously improve - we should all aspire to this! Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan

Susan Polick

The "expectations" approach is a good idea indeed.

One of things I do, is to create a lesson Plan that focuses only on the main points.

There is alot of material giving to the students in such a short period but I continue going over the material until each student says he understands.

Eventho things move quickly, getting students to repeat the subject material back can reenforce their learning of subject matter and having perform a process that was defined, to master their learning effort.

I found that reviewing content with the students before and after an exam, solidifies the course information.

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