Should students get to take completed tests home to study?
Many students request to take home their midterm exams in order to study for their final exam.
I have declined so far but have gone over the tests in class as a review. I put a great deal of time and effort into test-writing and may want to use the same or similar questions over in the future. When I was a student I did get to keep all of my exams. What do other instructors do?
We are required to keep all test/quizzes on file for the students therefore they are not allowed to take them. Just as you, I use the previous exams as study guides for review in class. In essence, they are using those tests to study, just within the classroom only.
We are required to keep all exams in the student files also. I allow my students to review their quizzes and tests, and make notes of the questions they answered incorrectly, to use as a study guide. The midterm and final exam are cumulative, but to avoid having students memorize this is the answer to X question, I use the same information, but reword the questions to assure they comprehend the material.
Hi Barbara, That's a good strategy to be able to reuse test questions for comprehensive exams. Best wishes for continued success in your teaching career. Susan
Susan Polick
If you are going to give students tests to take home why not just make it open book in class. They will use the book when they take it home. I use open book when one of my tests has written questions on it so they can be sure of their answers.
I disagree, i think students should get a study guide that has significant questions and study tools that are related to the material presented to them inside the classroom. Thus allowing them to become independent learners.
I agree with this approach. Letting students take tests home runs the risk of enabling cheating, but creating study guides that cover the same content addresses everybody's needs.