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Very good idea, I will use that in my future clases.

Interpersonal:Students need to communicate with each other to solve the problem.

Logical/Mathematical: In order to solve the problem the students need to think logically.

Spatial/visual: Students need to arrange themselves in space and in order.

Musical: The music speeds them up to think faster.

Linguistic/Verbal: The students must speak to each other to find their place in the order.

Intrapersonal: The students need to reflect on the answers they are given and the questions asked by other students to find their place in the order.

Bodily kinesthetic: The exercise is moving around in the classroom to find your place.

interpersonal = working with your team
logical/mathematical = working on the correct order
spatial/visual=working with the lists
musical=background music
linguistic/verbal=written steps
intrapersonal=weak, could be corrected with a follow-up reflection
bodily kinesthetic=finding teammates requires physically moving around

Spatial/visual: Students must visualize their role/step as part of the whole process.

Logical/Mathematical: Students must keep a running count of the steps and determine the proper/logical sequence

Musical: The music maintains a sense of urgency that helps encourage students to work quickly and try to win.

Linguistic/Verbal: Students have to speak/communicate to find the remaining steps and organize themsleves. They will have to work toward a mutual order/sequence

Interpersonal: Students have to communicate and cooperate in order to complete the exercise

Intrapersonal: The students will consider their own preferred or natural stress management sequence.

Bodily kinesthetic: Students move around the room to locate, create, and order their group

I have learned that students learn at different speeds and levels. what may work for one may not work for another. So I try to access each student individually. Most times if a group member is not understand their fellow group member steps in with my assistance to guide them on how to manage the project and complete without stressing out

it's not just being in the classroom with the students - what you are doing in there is the key.

Interpersonal: Exercise requires students to communicate with each other to find their group and arrange themselves

Logical/Mathematical: there are specific rules/guidelines for the exercise. Students must figure out what order would be logical

Spatial/visual: Students have the visual of their specific step. They must visualize and picture the list as complete as part of the process.

Musical: Music playing that reflects the mood.

Linguistic/Verbal: Students must communicate verbally in order to find their group.

Intrapersonal: Students must reflect and share.

Bodily kinesthetic: Students move around the room while looking for their group.

I have learned so much in theis course. I want to say this is the best course to date on this subject.

Learners must discuss and agree on the order.

Follow rules and ordering.

Learners need to imagine the steps in order place them down and make the steps match their own

Music. :)

Reading step and discussing with others

Before they group uo learners need ti understand the given step.

Bodily kinesthetic
Moving around the room for groups.

I think the overall activity would easy embrace all of the styles to be effective for all learners in the classroom.
The students are able to move and interact with each other. With the activity and music other senses are involved.

We do an exexcise that is simular. We post on the back of students a food item and they have to communicate with other students what the item is.For example Rye Bread, Sauerkraut, and Swiss Cheese. Once the students have identified their item they need to find the student that make that item, which is a Reuben Sandwich.Then the students have to act out how to make the item.

This game take care of.

Logical/Mathematical- specific guidelines to follow
Spatial/visual-Students have to visualize each step
Musical- fast paced music
Linguistic/Verbal- Students must interact and speak to each other to complete the steps
Intrapersonal- each person handles stress differently so they have to look within themselves.
Bodily kinesthetic- students must move throughout the room to find their partners.

Greetings Donald!

I couldn't agree more. We are not cloned yet so we have to provide learning opportunities for students by embracing all styles. What do you do specifically to ensure that, that occurs in your classroom?

Keep up the good work!

Jane Davis
ED107 Facilitator

Currently I am working on my dissertation for my doctorate. The topic I am investigating is "MATH ANXIETY" and the steps listed in your management process are excellent.
I teach at a Culinary school and encounter students who stress out about the class before it begins.The vast majority of these students CAN do mathematics but are deathly afraid of it. This was caused by a previous experience either in the classroom or at home. By minimizing their stress/anxiety I am able to get them to believe they can do the work and then they do it.
This is a great example of the Pygmalian Effect in a positive direction.
Renee Lustig

Hi Renee!

Absolutely! When stress/anxiety is reduced people naturally become more self-confident and learning is able to occur.

What a great approach!

Keep up the good work!

Jane Davis
ED107 Facilitator


I think this module has some very good ideas in it. The question demonstrates that there are ways to address different learning styles and most teachers are not doing it.

I have a 20 month old grandchild and I am watching him learn. He is using all his senses and frankly is like a little sponge. I want to create a classroom that gives the joy I see him have when he conquers something new. I know I am a little idealistic, but I think I will aim in tha tdirection and at least improve.

i dont know how to add to this list, it seems to have totally laid it out, I would add that I believe the music would be the most contributing factor to the exercize do to the what it would generate as mood for the exercise.the limited time frame adds urgency, and the need to communicate with people you may not be familiar with could reallt create a train wreck in the atmosphere... all around, it is well done.i can see revamping some of my stratagies resulting from this course... thank you.

I appreciate this example because I have just now learned that I need to work on my in-class activities. I want to ensure that I'm including all of the learning styles and multiple intelligences. The debriefing part is also something that I have not explored as I should!

I agree. Very well done

By using a multi based approach you allow the students to discover the answers thru activity rather than lecture. Learning that a student creates is more likely to be retained

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