Eliza's in every class
Eliza Doolittle is alive and well. She is in every class we teach, especially at the Career College level. Our students are here to change their lives and we owe it to them to have those high expectations. They can succeed in college; they can conquer difficult material. But they can also be fragile; they need our constant support and encouragement to rise above their circumstances.
Hi David!
Indeed! I work in a career college where approx. 70% of the student population has a felony conviction of some type. It is absolutely amazing how much they want their lives to move on where they have positive outcomes and instructors are the key to helping them with the transition. It's almost like bringing a baby into the world - so much nurturing and caring goes into their growth.
Keep up the good work!
Jane Davis
ED107 Facilitator
It is amazing to see how a student who is reluctant to share or talk in class blossoms when told they can do the work. Giving them verbal postitive feedback adds to their confidence in themselfs.
David is right, some of the students I teach at the career college present with a false confidence, in truth they are very fragil.
If I remain upbeat, positive and encouraging I find the students will try and try again to do their best.
I didn't think of my positive attitude in the context of Eliza Doolittle, treating her as a lady but I can see the association now. As I treat my students as professionals, they begin to act like porfessionals.
I absolutely agree. I consistently reinforce professionalism by using the phrase "it is a pleasure working with professionals".
It reinforces positive behaviour (regardless of age) and boosts the students confidence.
I was fortunate enough to have had some very good instructors and supervisors in the past. I have always made it a point to take techniques and mgmt styles from each to incorporate into my instructing.
Hi Rebecca!
When we treat people how we expect them to behave, that's what we get. That's the reason I always tell people to reenforce the positive not the negative.
Keep up the good work!
Jane Davis
ED107 Facilitator
Hi Eduardo!
Reenforcing the positive and role modeling appropriate behaviors is critical for successful student outcomes both in private and public lives.
Keep up the good work!
Jane Davis
ED107 Facilitator
agreed! for many of these students, this may be their last chance at a career. Re-enforcement is imperative here.
Reinforcing the positive aspect of a student returning to school with a positive outcome helps to support the reentry student with fears of failure.