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Repetition as a form of Recency

I'm of the opinion that if I repeat key concepts all during the course of a semester, those concepts will be retained through some form of Recency, i.e. each new reference refreshes it in the "mental queue". Anyone have an opinion?

I agree with that. I try to rephrase or reword key concepts and bring them up when ever I can. I also point out what I call the reverse, such as "if some do..." also means "some don't..." That seems to reinforce as well.

Hi Joe!

As a student in elementary school I remember day after day and evening after evening doing multiplication tables. Do I remember - absolutely! Repeating/reenforcing key concepts is really important to learning.

Good job!

Jane Davis
ED107 Facilitator

Hi Joe!

I too like to repeat key concepts during my lectures to try and trigger memory retention in my students. I teach a subject that requires a lot of memorization and am always looking for new ways to further that learning but I am only able to do so much during my class periods. I strongly encourage my students to find their own ways to retain information outside of class and typically recommend the use of flashcards. Thanks!

Hi Edward!

Great Job! Repetitaion in the momemt is an outstanding tool to use in the classroom. The more we hear it, the more likely we are to learn the concept.

Keep up the good work!

Jane Davis
ED107 Facilitator

I try and draw on information from a previous lecture, showing it's revelence or relationship to information in the current lecture. This not only relates the recency of the information, but shows it's compounding relationship to topics past and future.

We use repition over, and over, and over, in my classes to the point of not finishing my sentences and having the students do it.

I teach in an automotive school. We have a lab final on writing repair orders. Every few days, I have the students write a few repairs orders so that at the end of the course they can easily perform the task. Repitition does work.

Sporadic reviews are good for retention especially utilizing reviews that play upon the three learning styles

We do something similar in my class. We teach the theory first in the classroom, and then perform the task we went over in the classroom in a lab setting.This will reinforce the lecture and allow the students to see the practical application of the subject.

Repetion is very important in a classroom. it helps the student to remember key things

I also use repetion in the class room. Purposely starting a sentence and then allowing the students to voluntarily finish them. This creates a healthy and productive competition.

I have taught classes for years, and I also use this method(repetition) to enhance some of the concepts for my students by reviewing the previous day's class content. I sometimes ask my students for some of the solutions they might have for the problems they have learned so far. Although some of the students seem not to know all the answers, other students' contributions will serve the same purpose.

My teaching block is six weeks. Each week we teach a new area of culinary. I like to take each Monday to review the previously taught lessons,so the student develops a more solid foundation

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