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I review subject matter as we teach it. Before we move on i like to get the students to answer some questions. If they dont have it we stay on that topic for a while longer.

I also reveiw as we go and again at the beginning and end of each day to be sure they get it and are still retaining it later.

I do the same thing and then make the students show me with trianing aides.

seems best to review it while it is still fresh in everyones head.

Review works well fopr me when I involve the student as I go along. Pointing out individuals and having them finish my sentence seems to bring them into the subject better than just a lecture

Reviewing is important to help the instructor to manage how well the class is grasping the materials. If the students are not understanding the concepts it will be difficult to move on.


I use this same approach, a daily quiz reveals their understanding of lectured information.. I find that review of already covered information makes students absorbe it better....

C. Mosley

I always review the important concepts of the previous sessions at the start of a new session. This provides a steady, straight path of conceptual thinking and ties everything together in a cohesive "chain-of-knowledge" that helps the student retain knowledge and makes every new element "fit" into the course material.

yes, the review/preview method is a great way to assist with retention as well as helping the students connect all of the "big ideas" together.

Ryan Meers, Ph.D.

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