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Flipped classroom

How eager will the students grasp the new concept?

My perception of this is that I feel that the students will resist this at the beginning due to change in the way that they learn. you are taking away the buffer of having a live person standing in front of them. however in the long run the students will get a clear understanding of what is being taught to them. Them can play and replay the lecture till they get what they feel is what they are suppose to learn.

The students are not eager to grasp the concept initially, change is difficult for most people. It will take a while for them to see the value of this method of teaching.

I agree with both respondents. I think that change is difficult for most people and some students more than others depending on their demographics and personalities. But, if they can understand the benefits of being able to stop or rewind the lecture at their convenience, I think they would really enjoy it. I often times have students asking to go back to a previous section of a lecture because their note-taking skills do not allow them to keep pace with the lecture.

In response, In todays diverse class rooms, especially, secondary schools, I find it that the students want to get the information that they have invested in from a live person, all the Gen's X,Y, etc. So yes students will resist. What then do you do for the students who say, "I am not invested in you so that I can watch another instructor lecture on the same topic"?

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