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Methods on how to be better prepared to teach and help promote better learning.


After you prepare your lecture and content. It is important to have a checklist of content that you want to make sure is delivered, so you don’t get off track and forget an important piece of content. This really spoke to me to have a check list to view at every lecture to make sure I delivered all the information I intended.

 having student believe in what you are teaching them, being a motivator as well as credible in the area of study.

It's important to arrive early to class and interact with the students as you welcome them in.

Having a checklist is a great way to be prepared and accomplish your goals for the class.

It is just as important (more) for you to be prepared for each class as it is for your students. This will help keep expectations modeled and create a positive learning environment.

I like to be prepared and organized before making a presentation.  Research on topic done, sequence of course content, able to give interesting examples, etc.  I always feel much more confident when I know what I'm talking about.  I find it easier to explain something if I have learned it myself.

Planning and preparation are important because it shows professionalism.  The syllabus outlines the course, the objectives and helps the students understand their expectations and outcomes in a clear way.  Textbooks are reference guides for the students as they learn.  

I tend to be pretty well-prepared but occasionally I will have not thought ahead about consumables or whatever and totally agree that it causes stress when I try to handle these things with a session looming.

proper planning prevent poor performance 

The best-laid plans sometimes do not work out, and if they don't, learn and adjust the plans.

It is important to show that you are prepared throughout the class and always have your lecture ready.

"Purposeful prior planning prevents poor performance"- being prepared is in part of being a professional and can bring many benfits.

Preparation is key to the success of the classroom setting as well as connecting with students. It is also vital to understand the material being taught as well as the text that the students will use as part of the learning process. 

Always use the available, approved methods to manage and handle your class.  Be emotional to your students.  Let them know that you care.  However, use professionalism to ensure that the course stay on track.

having a thorough syllabus and a check list is important to make sure things are not missed.

it's important to prepare by letting your students know the expectations

A syllabus that is properly structured can benefit both the teacher and student. This gives the teacher a structure on how to properly plan the course and give the student an expectation and clear vision of how the class will flow in regards of scheduling.

I have actually watched some teachers teach with and without a plan. I observed the different behaviors from the students. Students can tell when a teacher isn't prepared. Be prepared! 


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