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I learned a couple of techniques that I can incorporate as it relate to teaching via online. 

The effectiveness and benefit for the pause!  I will have to admit that I get a bit twitchy when the classroom is quiet.  I tend to feel that learning is not occurring unless I or the students are busy talking.  After this module, I will be certain to engage "the pause."

In this module, I have learned to present information in specific and manageable portions that students can internalize. Also, starting each class by discussing the previous class topic and how this relates the the new topic or information that will be discussed today. 

Use eye contact, video tape yourself for evaluation.

That instructors should step away from their desk and move around the room the hold the students attention. 

I learned about keeping my students engaged, and minimizing distractions. Also, "floating" about the room as I lecture is a wonderful way to keep the students engaged with you and content. The instructor must speak clearly, smile, maintain eye contact with each student, and learn about the different cultures that find direct eye contact offensive and be sensitive to it.

I am really good at walking around the classroom and making eye contact. However, sometimes it gets us off key when students ask individual answers because I am next to them.

Great information on classroom management. The movement, pausing, smiling etc.

Make eye contact with the students

Float around the room

Talk slowly and take pauses if students are taking notes

I learned to make sure that I am  commanding the room during lectures by speaking in a tone this is loud enough for everyone can hear while also keeping their attention. Also make sure not to fidget in any way as well.

Taught my first class this week. I need to be more of a storyteller rather than just presenting the information and now that they mentioned it, I remember I was "fidgeting" at times playing with the cap on a dry erase marker (making that squeaky sound). 

This unit has helped me self-reflect and focus on self-awareness of my communication skills in the classroom. It is hard at times because we, as teachers, tend to run on auto-pilot and forget to check ourselves with things such as our body language or proximity in the classroom. 

Pausing for 3 to 5 seconds gives the brain an opportunity to refocus.  Also, I like to hold a pen in my hand when lecturing.  However, this is fidgeting and can interfere with focus.  

Movement and eye contact are two things that I rely most upon whenever I am teaching courses. While I don't necessarily use power points, as I find that they draw out some of the pauses in a lecture a little too long, I will always use the whiteboard as the object of focus. There, students constantly find whatever information is critical and in real time additions to the whiteboard, lecture suddenly becomes a lot more dynamic. Through eye contact, I can gauge whether or not a student is in the right direction and actually tuned into the lecture. Movement, is equally pivotal. Moving around the white board, I am able to draw attention to whatever it is I am speaking on at that moment. 

Taking care to make eye contact with each student every day is important. 

Great review 

Wow, I have a few of these negative traits that I am working on! Great suggestions and I will definitely take this module into my class. I already practice a lot of these positive methods, but will work on others! 

I am surprised of the short attention spans (12-15 minutes) & memory times of humans.  Students can remember only 2-3 points in 30 minutes.  Students can remember better if there is a vivid example given.

I plan to pause & speak slower. I tend to speak too fast & do not pause long enough.  I also plan to develop my storytelling skills.

Learned general awareness of positioning, floating, eye contact, voice volume from point of view of student/audience/viewers, etc.

I realized that I do use a lot of these techniques already. However, I tend to roam the classroom a lot. This might be a distraction for the students. I also need to slow down and make sure the concepts presented are understood before moving on to the next concept.

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