Student will have barriers or come up with some type of barrier as an excuse. But, holding the student responsible for their actions with a flip classroom is the key. A flip classroom leaves more time for hands on in the classroom.
I am beginning to realize the importance of taking the time to produce high quality pre recorded lectures and having other quality materials for the students to view for their homework.
From this module I have learned that the barriers will be what keeps the flipped classroom from reaching its full potential. The biggest barrier is making sure that I as the teacher understand the true concept and can explain it in a way that the students understand that I am not giving them additional work but giving them their work in a different way so that it can be learned in a more engaging way. Another barrier is that I need to make sure I know how to implement this strategy correctly as to not inundate my students with lectures that lose their interest.
The Blooms Taxonomy is important, It can ensure the students undestands the content and apply it to problem solving be it in the classroom or the cliical setting
Student motivation may also be a barrier to effective flipped calssroom. I will implement in the clinical setting , hear it ( lecture and giving resources to do a procedure example ATI videos ) , DO IT- performing in the clinical setting and Teach it ( peer teaching ).