Many times i come across older students and i have gained their respect by showing my professionalism
Hi Jason,
Good approach. Respect needs to go both ways and you are earning respect from your older students by extending it to them.
I am a young instructor as well, and have run into this problem with older students and younger students. I think it all falls back on the old saying "Do unto others as you would have them to unto you."
I have found that any new class that I teach there is always that period of the students "feeling me out" to see if I am knowledgeable and respectful. Once they realize that I can guide them, they are more receptive to learning. The older students tend to feel threatened because they have been out of school so long, and the younger students tend to be less mature and aren't as focused because most of them have parents that are supporting them.
Respect is key and it must be given to be received. There will always be those that don't follow this rule, but if you set the example and guide them with respect your teaching experience will be much more pleasant.
Hi Marla,
Good comments about how to find balance with diverse students. You hit upon the key and that is organization and respect. If you plan well and respect the students for their input you will do well as an instructor.
Hmmm...for a "younger" instructor, I think you are wiser than you give yourself credit for. You definitely understand the role of creating respect between you and the student. That really has nothing to do with age - but it has everything to do with the behaviors you display to your students. Personally I think the respect issue can trump the experience issue. Keep doing what you're doing!!
Hi Tom,
Thank you for the good advice you gave this "young" instructor and how to work with older students. It is dead on. As you say respect is the key to success.
While I wasn't as young as you when I began teaching for the school I work at, trust me I do understand what you're saying because before I started teaching I was a SSgt in the US Air Force and I had a multitude of Airmen older than I was and it was tuff getting the respect the rank held. The way I did it was I gave them respect and held myself to a higher standard. From my past experiences I now have a better understanding how to reach my older students.
Thank you for this good advice for younger instructors. You hit it square with your statement about respect. Showing and earning respect establishes the basis for rapport development and that builds on learning success.
Dr. Gary Meers