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At the beginning of each quarter, I hand out flash cards to my new group of clinical students and have them write down how they learn best: hands-on, listening, visual, reading, etc. I then collect the cards and take them home so I can see the learning 'demographics' of my class. As I prepare my lessons, I try to incorporate reading assignments, videos and hands-on activities during each class session with the goal of reaching all my learners. We also participate in games like Jeopardy where the class is randomly divided into groups and it makes for a lively review for upcoming tests and assessments.

I always encourage my students to use flashcards for all terminology study techniques. I also encourage them to use their CD-ROM with each text book to complete certain activities that will allow more understanding of the topic of discussion at that time.

This is a great way to get a read of your class. Thanks for sharing it with us as I know it will be helpful to other instructors.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

The more methods the better in terms of how to get material stored in the working memory of students. Both of these methods help them to see that they can acquire the content if they are willing to put forth the effort.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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