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Identifying the problem, understanding why it exists, developing solutions and evaluating the results give the reason to the student why he or she should learn the subject.

Also, giving real world examples that you've encountered working in the field that are related to the subject or lesson you are teaching allows the students to see you as a professional as well as an instructor. This will give them the peace of mind that what you are teaching is relevant and not just busy work.

Through examples, guest speakers, and field trips. The more application and relevance they can see the more buy in they will have.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

How do you sell it to them to ensure they want it?

You've stated it well Marlene. One of the classes I teach has a lab with it. Lecture covers every thing while the lab is used to transfer the knowledge and use it mechanically. You really need to learn to discard that info that is not necessary but could be used on a written exam from what will be used on the practical exam.

Adult learners are best motivated by what they will learn from the lesson. Pruning is a great way to assist those learners in discarding irrelevant information and blazing a pathway directly to the relevant info.

I also agree, adult learners want to understand the reason they need to learn this.


So True they need to know why do I need to learn it this way.

Absolutely, show them how it could be applied in their field.

I teach writing classes with students from a variety of majors. One assignment I always have them do is to tell me how they will use writing in their field. This helps them to see the practical application

I also agree, adult learners want to understand the reason they need to learn this.

I agree. It is like quality control on an assembly line. If something does not measure up, it is discarded.

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