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Multiple Intelligences

How do you address multiple intelligences in a classroom in which personalities are strong as well? Sometimes the discussion can overwhelm the presentation of curriculum when there are multiple intelligences combined with several strong personalities. How do you stay "on task" with the subject matter?

I use 3X5 cards and have students write down questions as one way of controlling the discussion and keeping it on topic. I call on students to read their question to the class and then I or members of the class respond. This way I can keep the discussion going the direction I want it to. It reduces some of the out bursts that come with a free form discussion and as well as lets me keep the learning focused.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I found that a large group with multiple strong personalities/intelligences its best to be well pre-paired. Have enough ready to teach two classes. Same goes for pop quizzes ,test, class worksheets, homework. This way there is no down time for discussions other than topic related. Not to mention helps control tempo of class and earns respect for being educated with information.

You have made a number of very good points about the value of being prepared. An additional benefit is the fact that you are approaching the classroom knowing are prepared and ready to go. This increases your confidence level and that is noticed by students.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I feel like I need to sometimes call those students out of the classroom, especially if they have strong personalities. Sometimes they don't realize they are doing something in class to hinder someone else's learning style.

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