Agreed, soft skills are all parts of the whole and need to conform in order to achieve an acceptable level of performance. Not only in daily tasks but in the general function and reliability of the individual.
So many of our students seem to arrive in our courses without the needed soft skills so you are right on with your comments about how we need to make them a part of our regular instruction. We need to build not only their knowledge and skills but also their ability to be effective and efficient workers.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Dr. Hale,
Yes I see your point exactly. And most of these graduates will be working in a small business setting where the lack of soft skills becomes really apparent and disruptive. Our school has strict rules about hair and nails and uniforms. Not every student likes it at first, but once they get used to it they feel more professional themselves. It makes hair down days kind of fun.
I think soft skills are something we neglect in career education. We are teaching students a specific career path and being able to function within that career are essential. Many time traits picked up in labs will translate to clinic.
This has been my experience as well. I have brought in numerous examples and activities that assist students in the development of their soft skills as we move through the course. I help them to understand that even if they have the technical skills if they lack in the soft skills they are not going to be successful in the workplace. They need to have both if they want to grow in their careers.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I believe oral communication skills are needed to compete in the job market. Oral presentations are a part of my computer classes.
Good strategy to have for your students. You are right about the need for good communication skills, especially oral skills because if a person cannot communicate well then it will be hard to convey the technical aspects of what is being done in relation to computer work.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
One of the most frustrating things for me has always been trying to instill the soft skill to my students. One of the things I hear all the time when a student is questioned about work ethic or punctuality is "I'm paying to be here now. When I'm getting paid on the job it will be different".
This is so true, one of our biggest problems is to have students show up for class and try assignments.
I hear this compliant a lot from my students as well. They cannot seem to transfer the standards and expectations of my course to their future success. I bring in employers and recent graduates to tell them how it is in an attempt to get this message into their brains. Tough sell as you mention. Those that get it go on to be successful and those that don't wonder around trying to figure out why no one will hire them. Duh!
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Yes, soft skills are among the most important. The hard skills may get them the job, but the soft skills will help them keep it and move forward. Not much we can do to teach most of the soft skills. They should have been learned at home and early in school and church.
absolutely james, students must learn that employability is as important as skills and knowledge
You're only worth the work done when there, if not then nothing.
Work, time, focus, patients goes along ways.
i agree with that 100% if there not applying the soft skills they wont be able to keep a job anyways.
in my field they are essential for success.without them you will not stay employed for very long
The students really need to understand why they must learn and practice soft skills. Examples should be shared where the lack of soft skill use resulted in job loss and/or career decline.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I've noted a common trend in quite a few of my students. Although we have an attendance policy, many do not see the importance of it and use the line "what does it matter if I miss classes as long as I learn the material? It's not like you're paying me." My reply is that attendance at school can be correlated to attendance at work and that they will not always be "paid" for everything they do (at least not in $$$$). Education is priceless and Soft Skills can make the difference in getting or keeping a job!
Barb D
In my estimation, asking the class for real world career examples for their observations on how soft skils either accelerated or retarded one's growth in their chosen field has proven to be an effective teaching tool.
we have guest speakers come in to speak with our students about soft skills. We seem to tell them until we are blue in the face, but when it comes from a potential employer it really hits home