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Learning Tools

Its ei very important for the students the learnig process, because the need to have a lecture 15 -20 minutes, see a demonstration and practice.

I agree with you about that. Most students today need this to be able to make sense of things

Being able to take the students out and pratice what they have learned in the classroom i find is the best way for them to relate to the covered content.

Common sense is a lost understanding for many students today. Anything we can do to help them make applications and understand relevancy to what they are learning will be valuable to the students.

I agree. I think the basic principle here is critical thinking. Frequently, I find that when students work on text chapter exercises or study guides, they expect to find literal fill-in-the-blank answers to be available for them. When they have to synthesize an idea or concept in order to answer a question, many of them struggle. However, this critical thinking practice is a must in order to make information applicable, as very few real-life situations are "text-book."

The majority of what we do once we complete our schooling revolves around our ability to problem solve and think critically. The more we can help our students to develop skills in these areas the greater service we are providing to them. I use case studies a lot in my classes for the above reasons.

Dr. Gary Meers

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