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Thank you for these comments about the value of using pretesting as an instructional strategy. I use pretesting in all of my courses so I can get a read of my students and plan my instructional delivery more accurately.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

At the school I teach at we have a group acitity call 'box of parts" In it we have parts that students will learn about over the term.Students pull one item out and tell the class what if anything they know about that piece. After completion I explain to students that they will know what each part is and it`s function

This is a great strategy to use since it keeps the students on their toes in terms of knowing all of the parts. This way they will be able to talk about the one they pull out and share this information with their classmates. Thanks for sharing this idea with us.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Gerald, I like this idea. This will help students continue to build on previous knowledge in the course. I oftentimes notice students forgetting information from previous topics within a course as well as information from prior courses or failing to understand the importance of carrying information and utilizing it in future courses. I think your concept will keep them on their toes and keep the desire for knowledge fresh on their minds

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