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Student Needs

Finding out what works it the key and that is learning your students and knowing what they need to succeed. I like giving playdo and having them sculpt something they like to do. Watching them work so hard on a small project is a great thing. Getting that same attitude built into skills and giving praise is a good thing. Socioeconomic status changes things a bit as well as diversity. One child may need more praise and attention where another likes to stand alone. Its finding the key to every lock....Do you have a special task?
P O'Dwyer

How do you get a student to open up so you can find out what he needs to help him have confedence in himself

Talking individually with that student is a start. See if you can find out where he sees his challenges being. Do an activity or a project where he has success early in the course and then reinforce his success so he can see that if he applies himself he can successfully pass the course. Little successes like this is what will build his confidence as well as self esteem.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

I try to get to know them a little bit better, then I try to figure out what they need.

What are some of the methods you use to get to know your students better?

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Open communication with the students. Providing a safe environment for them to share and show themselves. Being creative with activities to observe without them sometimes even realizing they are opening up and sharing things about themselves and seeing what needs they have.

These are the key components of a positive respect based relationship with students. When this level of communication is achieved then it becomes much easier to provide support to the students at key times.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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