I begin each class reviewing material covered in prior session next, I outline my lecture material putting outline on board for students to take note of...I stop periodically to question if what I have said is understood by all...The next step is to hand out assignment that relates to lecture material a time is established as to when task is to be completed...
when turned in, I can evaluate if my lectures have been understood..
Hi Tyler,
This is a good way to keep the students engaged throughout the content sharing session. Thanks for sharing this with us.
If I am doing a lecture that contains a serious amount of complex/detailed information I'll provide a fill in the blank handout for them to be able to write down the most important deatils of the lecture while still be able to listen and watch the demo.
This works out well as it makes the students really listen to what I am saying as they know that parts of it are that detailed.
Seems like a pretty good strategy.
I like to outline what I am doing as well. It helps students know what to expect. And I always follow up on lectures with assignments related to the content as well. It helps reinforce the material. And then the key step I take beyond that though, is to keep applying what they have learned in future lessons/assignments. If they only use it once.. it won't stick. But if they keep using it and keep applying it.. it will be there forever.
Hi Andrew,
Good point about sharing career experiences with students so they can see the connection between course content and application. The "connecting of the dots" between school and the work world can be difficult for some students so the more opportunities they have to hear about the work world and experience it the easier that transition will be.
I also agree. There is no substitute for life experiences. To explain to them that "this is how it will be in the field", really drives home the importance of the topic, and is well received by the students.
I agree. I try to use my experience in the field as examples relating to the current material I am teaching. In my experience, students respond very positive to these type of real life examples.
Hi Christine,
This is a good review model as well even though it is not being seen as a review. By incorporating the previous content into the current lesson you are showing both relevancy and application. These are both essential in the learning process of students.
I generally do not do a last class review when I start my class. I have so much material to cover that time generally does not allow me to do this. What I will do is include previous topics within my presentations in class. In this way I am able to show how previous topics tie into new presentations.
Hi Michael,
I like this approach because it allows everyone to have input and ask questions even if they didn't ask them during class. This way every question can be responded to at the next class meeting. Thanks for sharing this strategy with us.
I agree...the combination of delivery methods works best for the students to retain knowledge
I'm always a fan of the "muddiest point" anonymous feedback. Basically, at the end of a class, I'll ask students to take 5 minutes and write any questions they have, or things that aren't 100% clear to them, and then pass those to the front (unsigned). I pile similar questions together, and then start the next class with those questions. This time through, however, I explain the concepts in a different manner, using different examples. It seems to work pretty well, and it gives the shy students a chance to ask the question they think is "dumb" (but ultimately everyone else is wondering as well).
Your process seem well laid out, and works well with the idea that each day we build upon what we learned previously. Thank you
That's great! One additional step might be to give them a fill-in-the-blank hand-out which also has a question-and-answer section at the end. Then they can break up into small groups of 4 and help each other fill in the hand-outs and give them back to you. This would be very non-intimidating, as the answers would not be graded but be given checks, check-plusses or check-minuses. This could be done 2-3 times per quarter every time a new topic is introduced, but not more than that. It would be helpful as a mini-group project and as a barometer for the success of your lectures.