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I try to see what my students already know about the particular subject matter and add to that. If they can relate in some way shape or form I believe it will be understood clearer. If it is something is way over their heads I try to relate the material to something they are familiar with and relate my concepts to what they already know. The key here is, know your audience.

First thing I do as an instructor for my students is try and help them gain some of these skills for themselves. As they learn to do the decoding themselves the better they are prepared to become much more improved learners in the future.

start by getting to their leval, use words they understand,use examples they can relate to,break it down into simple terms and help them put it back together again.

Segmented content helps the students grasp the critical information and then start applying it as they move to the next stage. This then gives them the big picture without feeling overwhelmed with what they need to learn. Good plan.

I will spend time on one specific part of the alternator, for example, and give all the imformation on that particular item, then later, after doing that with all the parts, tie those all together.

Starting off with the basic information about a component and/or system. Then breaking down that system into simple working functioning pieces. Making sure they understand the terms that are used for a particular subject.

By trying to start out small on the subject matter then build bigger. just like builbing blocks. if you stop along the way and ask questions on the subject your answers will let you know if you grew too fast for the class.

I'm always asking questions over subject matter already covered. I think this remind the students the material the qusestion covered may be testable.

This is a good way to reinforce the content through application. This method really helps the students with content retention because they are being exposed to both application and relevancy.

`By giving the information in an organized manner and not move on until all the questions have been addressed. I also debrief between topics so all students have time to take adequate notes.

Each section is covered and then Demonstrated and then a lab is done to finish that section.

Thank you for the comments in relation to segmenting instruction. This is critical for students so they don't become overwhelmed with all of the material they need to cover.

Have the students disect what is being learned, let them explore or research what makes up the big picture of what component they are learning about. This way it breaks it up into smaller sections and when the students break it down it makes more sense to them,and how each part interacts with the others. With the content broken down into simpler content the students can assimulate the material better and relate each piece to the full subject matter.

I try to have the students look at the topic in small steps Ex. start with the battery then go to the starter I have them see all the componets that make up the big picture then brake them in to smaller pies. it is not so over wellming to them. Also I try to explain the terms that the MFG use into terms students understands

Good strategy. You are helping the students to connect the dots between your course content and their futures with these methods.

Course 117 Basic Ele. has many different topics and is very changeling for the students. Topics must be broken down into subtopics. What I like I to do is to give some type of visual and a story on some experiences that I have had. Have the student do different projects that deal with the topic, this seams to work the best as you use most of the different learning styles that the students may have.

I think of it as building blocks, each unit’s vocabulary, concepts and hands on skills creating a foundation for the next unit of study. I really enjoy at the end of the course watching the students put the blocks together and perform a task that they couldn’t when the class started.

This will give you additional teaching success because the students will be able to grasp the concepts within the smaller segments.

most of my curricullum is pretty well broken down in small systems. but when the subject is lengthy or new to the learners, i will break it down inot smaller segments and use discussions or small hands on labs with quiz sheets to make sure everyone is getting the information.

I do re-caps through out the chapters, so as I am covering subject matter I will stop and go over a question and answer segment to make sure they are understanding the material.

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