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Make It Important

The methods discussed in this lesson regarding retention of information is extremely vital to the learning process and the development of competent graduates. I have found student's will learn the material best when I present it in a format that appeals to their primary learning style, AND underscores the importance of the material in relation to what they plan to do following graduation. Once it becomes "important" to them, they usually get it !!! Reinforcement of the material, once it is learned, becomes their "key" to success.

Including case studies or adding real-life-scenarios really keep the students engaged and show them why it is important to have all the "background" information.

I have found that if I can make my culinary students understand that this path requires a hands-on approach, they begin to understand how it differs from the typical online format.  It makes the class content more important to them because they understand the need to take responsibility, be prepared and attend class every day.

I try to provide examples of where information or processes might be used in working in the field. Helping students understand how their work and the way they do it affects the outcome of day-to-day operations in the field can bring perspective to the information being presented.


I agree with Daniel Gore. By making the instructional material relevant and important to the students career goal they tend to retain the information. Repetition is a valuable teaching tool especially when teaching perishable skills. This keeps the student involved and important to their learning.

Reinforcement of new knowledge is the best if you show them hoe to use it in their profession

Even though you try to point the importance of each subject matter it really boils down to the student.

get students more involved

I always tell my students that they need to retain the information they are learning as it will be required to succeed in their career.

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