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Value of critical thinking

I think critical thinking expresses our values, our objectives, and assumptions. It involves expression and observations of a thinker.

Yes, critical thinking definitely includes these. However, the best critical thinkers are able to accurately identify relevant objective evididence and accurately adjust their subjective perspectives (we usually refer to this as learning) to better align with reality that will attain the best resolution. You brought up an excellent point. Thank you for sharing your insight.

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

In my introduction to computer I pose a critical thinking question at the end of a given chapter.
These questions are usually composed of 3 or more parts that give the student direction towards a conclusion. It is important that the students take time to analyze the information in the text as well as personal interpretation (views and values).
I expect their answers to be quite verbose to reflect the amount of consideration involved before arriving at their logical conclusion.

Your expectation is reasonable in your rationale the sound. Good teaching approach.

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

My example of proper critical thinking is like a person whose end of year w-2 states 26,000.00 in earned income. However, their total bank deposits says 38,000.00 and they don't owe anyone money nor they rob, steal, or cheat for it. So where did the extra income come from? Now that's critical thinking....

1099 work? (adjunct teaching, consulting or some such 'self-employment')? No W-2s are generated on this. ;-]

Dr. S. David Vaillancourt

I teach online and I "try" to achieve this through discussion questions. There are two per week and they are available at different times. The students have to respond by what was covered in the chapter and they always personalize their response. What I enjoy are the discussion threads having peers interact with each other from the postings of others. I of course interject a comment to have them change their thinking patterns to consider another approach. It is a good interactive tool for online teaching.

I also do critical thinking skill scenerios each week in our Medical Assisting courses. Our students learn many procedures utilizing hands on skills and they have to be prepared for so many different ways to approach each patient setting.
I like to discuss all of their views.

This is such a valuable strategy to use. The more application that can be made of the content the more relevant it becomes. Students start to make it a part of their integrated memory and have it ready for use when problems arise.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

After completing a lecture, I often assign the students questions that require critical thinking. An example would be the topic of Preparation of the Dental Patient. Two examples of the questions would be:

If the patient has high high blood pressure, how would this affect the dental treatment?

The patient has had a bad previous dental experience,how could this current dental treatment be made more positive for the patient?

These are great ways to get students to do critical analysis and thinking. I use a lot of case studies in my classes to get my students to start developing their problem solving skills. The good thing about these types of questions is that you have already worked with patients like this so you can tell your students the outcome after their discussion.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

Critical thinking is something our students must learn to use not only in the classroom but also in everyday life. I always tell my students "don't accept everything hook, line and sinker." Students must be given examples and exercises that will make them think and ask questions: why, what are the consequences, what if?

Good advice for your students. They need to be able to think through what they are seeing and the problems they are facing. By doing so they will be able to come up with solutions. This is how their careers will grow.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

That is a great idea. Throwing some questions at them will also help them prepare for the real world they are about to encounter.

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