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A Critical Thinker

A critical thinker has the ability to introduce new information and raise valuable questions and concerns, while formulating and articulating clear and precise concepts of innovation. A critical thinker extracts and analyzes relevant information, using abstract ideas to interpret it effectively into well-reasoned conclusions and solutions. The analytical vise tests each component and minute factor against relevant criteria and standards in an effort to produce progressive ideas. A critical thinker is openminded, embracing alternative systems of thought, recognizing and assessing, as need be, their assumptions, implications, and practical consequences, while communicating effectively with others to determine solutions to complex problems.

Anne Alexis,
Great discussion on the a critical thinker needs to have in order to problem solve. There are many aspects to being a critical thinker and the more we can help our students to explore and gain experience in these aspects the better problem solvers they are going to be. Keep up the good work you are doing with your students in this area.

Gary Meers, Ed.D.

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