Leaning how to think is an increasing need that has not been properly addressed in our education programs. It is becoming a lost art. Too much faith has been placed in the news media which has abandoned their ethics and values. I am sorry to say that we, as instructors, need to try our best to teach students how to think and undo this failure of the educational system.
The sad part is, I think many students are not taught at home about ethics and morals so therefore have no clue how to analyze a situation.
Great to hear these words of support for expanding the abilities of everyone in the area of critical thinking. We need more critical thinkers if we are going to continue to be a nation of problem solvers.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
As to much of our society today we all are guilty of this getting the answer the easy way. I have learned so much from this course and had fun learning. Will continue to bring critical thinking in all ways going forward. It can be a challenge for the end results.
So true and so important. We do need critical thinkers in our society today. Helping our students to acquire the self discipline needed to step back and think, propose and then execute a solution is a way of helping our students to become successful in their careers.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
Completely agree. And yet, critical thinking is needed now more than ever in our ever confused society, to discern between what is fact/fiction, right/wrong.
Right you are about the benefits of getting them to realize that by stepping back and thinking things through they can come up with solutions that are valid rather than just doing a quick google search.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
I have found special care needs to be taken when getting students to "buy in" the analytical thought process. Unfortunately, much of today's youth want the quick fix...Once they realize the benefits of slowing down and analyze a situation they are hooked and will never look back.
Tough assignment to help students start to think for themselves and become problem solvers. They want to depend on a quick google search to give them answers. When they are out in the workplace they are going to have to learn how to think for themselves and be problem solvers if they are going to enjoy career success.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.