Our program is accelerated and intensive requiring the students to become quickly proficient at application of techniques. Our students work in a clinic environment to be able to practice their reasoning skills to determine which techniques they will employ for the benefit of their clients. I believe this workshop/lab type of environment provides the perfect format to practice the skill of reason and outcomes possible.
Sounds like you have a very busy and diverse teaching environment. I am sure you get to use your creativity to keep each one of them on track in relation to their individual career plan while coordinating all of their specific learning experiences. There cannot be a dull moment in your teaching day. I wish you continued teaching success.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.
The program I teach is also accelerated. The classroom time is divided into two parts. One sessions is lecture with critical thinking assignments and the 2nd session is in a clinic with demonstrations. The student,after practice will demonstrate that they have learned the procedure and are evaluated by the instructor. During this evaluating the stdent will need to explain, give reason and examples as to how this skill can be used in various ways to create an efficient and smooth procedure for their patients.
I agree. The lab or practicum setting is where critical thinking and problem solving gets refined because you are helping the students move from theory to practice to reality.
Gary Meers, Ed.D.